HAAD, which is the official regulatory body for the health sector, conducts a medical licensing eligibility test for health professionals planning to work in Abu Dhabi. This is to ensure that medical professionals in this Middle-East country have a minimum level of training.

DATAFLOW verification is the first step in the HAAD Exam. This process is so named because the task of verifying relevant documents and checking background information is completely handled by DATAFLOW, a private company based in Dubai. In order to register for the test, a candidate must have his/her candidature approved by DATAFLOW after validating the documents. Within 45 working days, the entire process is completed. The HAAD test is a computer-based multiple-choice test with four options for each question.

The goal of the HAAD examination is to assess and certify that nursing graduates have attained competency within the core requirements of their programs. The purpose of this examination is to enhance your nursing knowledge. It also called on the health authorities to raise the awareness of health care providers on the importance of taking the HAAD examination and obtaining a valid licence. The HAAD has already started issuing the licences to carers and nurses, as well as to those who have already passed the examination.